General Science (One-liner)

  • Taking a prescription medication that is not prescribed is called “Drug abuse”.

  • On average each cigarette reduces life expectancy by 7 to 8 years.

  • Nicotine can result in increasing blood cholesterol level.

  • Cigarettes contain more than 4000 chemical compounds and at least 40 toxic compounds.

  • An average adult human body has about 5 to 6 liters

  • Most of the volume of normal human blood is composed of “Plasma”.

  • In “Leukemia” the white blood cells are numerous but defective.

  • In “Anemia” the body is unable to get adequate amount of oxygen supply.

  • The main factor behind “Hemophilia” is the absence of clotting factor protein.

  • New blood cells are generally developed in the “Bone marrow”.

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